If you are interested in purchasing a painting, please contact me to arrange details such as dimensions, availability, payment method, shipment. I sell paintings for the price from 500 PLN, depending on the theme on it.
info@bodyspirituality.pl phone:
+48 509 501 865 I paint on canvas, with acrylic paints and gold dust, in series (several pieces from a given motif). Some works are unique, i.e. made in one copy only. Due to the minimalist technique, I am able to repaint each of the pictures for you in any size. All of them are 100% handmade and only with positive energy. Namaste.
I encourage those interested in different sectors (hotels, architects, interior decorators, spa, cafes, yoga studies, infulenters, cosmetic stores, centers of personel development) to purchase or display my works. I am open to cooperation with private persons who have an idea to create a joint project with me. With love
Art Gallery